SEX Talk With Desi Parents An Intense Hallucination

01:25 Unknown 1 Comments

BEGAIRAT ASTAGFAR, HARAM will be utilized for the ultimate ‘SexTalk’ with your parents. Though this is not taboo anymore, but still desi parents are hilarious with their reactions.For them, it is still not worth discussing. Come on we can watch lovemaking scenes in films or in our serials. However, if you are addressing about sex it's totally pathetic.

Parents have labeled sex conversation as a big NAH in our shelters. Although they get all panic and shy around their kids if it comes to SEX. These days’ teens can give you superior inferiority complex with their flawless knowledge in this topic. It's an indispensable part of every human's living.

Where do babies come from, It’s none of your freaking business stay out of it.

If you used word sex unintentionally or for other genuine reasons.

They do not know where to start for them it's really uncomfortable Ta-ra-ra.

If you ever do bring up the topic, you are approaching the wrong path.

If you are talking about it with your friends, they will kill them obliquely.

That's totally okay if you are a chain smoker, but sex talk is a no.

Talking about sex indicates that you are way too liberal 'Qayamat kareeb hai'.

If they caught you red-handed with little hanky panky *Wallah*.

By mistake if you used SEX in a funny manner *Sigh*.

Rather keeping this topic taboo discuss with your kids. You don't need to be liberal just basic communication will help you to teach your kids copious safety hazards.

1 comment:

  1. haha nicely explained!
    yes half of teenagers' problems would be solved if parents were easy to talk to.
