I Hate The Phrase - Dysfunctional Family

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Leo Tolstoy prominently inscribed in Anna Karenina, 
“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”.

I assume all families are dysfunctional like mine. Although, dysfunctional substantially sounds like an impairment factor. Any family in this cosmos has some dilemmas or conflicts at some point. It’d be laughable to claim one family dysfunctional and another, healthy. Being desi based on my hypothesis, I can explicitly state - not every family is perfect or a happy family. Are we cheering the dysfunctionality that prevalent in our society? Is it the new healthy for our society? The answer is YAY !

In Pakistan, most of the families have dysfunctional portions, or more accurately, - orthodox parental practices. Like disputes or using offensive language, practicing gender power against each other, disrespectful behavior towards female members, and neglect of basic rights. The dysfunction can be found on two levels: structural (This division is restricted to single or divorced parents) and functional (The common paternal fights, blood relation conflicts, extra-marital affairs and conservative house dictates falls in this part).

The new conception is showing the eccentric affairs. Apart from adults even youngsters are more meaningful, they have more powers, and they’re participating, arguing, debating, and putting their foot down. You can't label these emerging communication exemplars as unnatural or dysfunctional. I've seen in so many families people are coming out of the closets, either it's for sexual orientation, individual right, marriage life or fondness for the same sex. 

The best part about the dysfunctionality is we are admitting the transition. Earlier, the family hierarchical was structured solely on the father. The female administrator of the house couldn’t govern him and the kids couldn’t answer back. In this era, we are witnessing born rebels; they know what they want and what is substantial for them. From one night stand, life decisions, babies without wedlock, intense dope sessions to legal matters. These modern dysfunctional families are embracing the imperfections wittily.

Yes, I am very close to my family! Dysfunctional is a tiny word for us, the map we have formulated for our family system it's beyond creativity. When it comes to my sisters, they know almost everything about my life. We do share a rare relationship – there are no judgments, restrictions and constraints (it's a mutual bond). My mother is an over achiever, so from her, I have learned a lot. I try to absorb those traits from her. My brother is younger, so I browbeat him, which I consider is the right of all older siblings. Heck Yeah - We're one PERFECT DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY and we HEART it.