New Girl In Town: Madiha Sarwar Is Painting The Heartwarming Walls Of Peace
Photo Courtesy: Halima Sadia
Great discussion with the co-founder of Osumadi! Madiha Sarwar – An imaginative designer, a gifted artist, and an emerging female entrepreneur. At present, she's painting the town with her magical artistic skills. Pakistan is bestowed with the copiousness of enchanting and splendid architecture archives. Either it's joyous history, magnificent music or exquisite classical structures.
Madiha shared, 'Pakistani is inherited with enchanting and glorious diverse cultures. The richness of Pakistan inspired me to come up with an illustration that represents an experience focusing on music culture of Pakistan that how it has been traveling through eras, providing everyone, the same love, and joy. It is music that fills the cultural, racial gaps amongst communities and brings everyone “together”.
She further added, 'Illustrating the different kinds of music and musical instruments and architecture from Sindh, Punjab, KPK, Baluchistan and Kashmir into single piece of art to show how music can tie different regions together is what this illustration aims for.'
I unquestionably admire her spirit, patriotism for the nation and hunger for art. She's one badass artist right now, working on several brand projects, designing stuff and formulating artistic niche for herself. If you want to buy her stuff, need designing consultancy, artwork or anything contact her on the Facebook page of osumadi. More Power Girl 🎨